There is a patron saint for that (part 4)

St. Kentigern Mungo: Salmon
Feast Day: January 13
St. Kentigern Mungo was born to a disgraced princess in Culross and raised by Saint Serf. He is often associated with Arthurian legends, being from the same time period. One of the most notable legends about St. Kentigern Mungo is about Queen Languoreth of Strathclyde. The queen was suspected of infidelity by her husband. King Riderch demanded to see her ring, which he said the queen had given to her lover. In all reality the King had thrown the ring into the River Clyde. Faced with execution she appealed to St. Kentigren Mungo for help. The St. Kentigern Mungo ordered her to go catch a fish in the river. On opening the fish, the ring was miraculously found inside and which proved the Queen innocence.

St. Corentin: Seafood
Feast Day: December 12
St. Corentin was the first Bishop of Quimper in Brittany. He is best known for the Legned of the City of Ys. As the story goes, King Gradlon lived in Cornwall and one day all of his sailors abandoned him. As he grew sad and lonely, the Queen of the North came to him with a plan to kill her husband and for them to be together. King Gradlon agreed and they set out on their journey. On their way home they were lost at sea for a year, where their daughter was born. Soon after that the Queen became sick and died. When they reached home King Gradlon became very sad and never left the castle. The only joy was his beautiful, golden haired daughter. One day she asked her father to build a city by the sea. This city would become Ys. To protect the city from the high waves and tempest, a large dike surrounding the city was built with a special brass door to which King Gradlon alone had the key. The princess was happy in the city. One day a mysterious knight arrived to the city and the princess was smitten with him. One night the knight asked her to take the key from her father while the king was asleep. The princess agreed and as she slipped the key off of her father’s neck a huge wave crashed onto the princess. The king tried to help save the princess, St. Corentin appeared. St. Corentin said, "Shame and misfortune on thee, thou has tried to steal the key from the city of Ys!" The princess begged to be saved, but the horse she rode could not be moved. The water rose up and St. Corentin commanded that the princess be dropped. The sea raged and the king pushed his daughter into the sea, which she loved. The sea claimed them, the city of Ys, and all the inhabitants. The horse took St. Corentin to the place that would now be known as Quimper. This legend most likely comes from a combination of facts which creates the root of this legend; the facts are that the year St. Corentin converted the celts is also the same year that Rome fell.

St. George: Sheep (and horses too)
Feast Day: April 23
No one knows for sure where St. George was born, but we do know he lived in the 4th century. St. George has several stories about fighting dragons. One of the more popular ones says that a dragon made its nest at a spring that provided water to large town. Because of this the towns people were unable to collect water, try as they might they could not remove the nest or get the dragon to move its nest. The townspeople were able to get the dragon to leave its nest if they offered it a sheep, but eventually the sheep ran out and the town was without water again. Next they decided that a maiden should be given to the dragon. The maiden was selected by choosing straws, this would go on till the princess' straw was drawn. The king pleaded for her life to be spared, but the people would not have it. As she was on her way to the dragon, St. George appeared. He faced the dragon and slayed the dragon.

St. Patrick: Snakes
Feast Day: March 17
St. Patrick of Ireland is one of the world's most popular saints. He was born in Roman Britain and when he was fourteen or so, he was captured by Irish pirates during a raiding party and taken to Ireland as a slave to herd and tend sheep. He escaped after about 6 years in captivity and returned home. After becoming a bishop he returned to Ireland. As one of the most famous legends about him goes St. Patrick banished all the snakes in Ireland by chasing them into the sea after they attacked him during a 40-day fast.

St. Hugh of Lincoln: Swan
Feast Day: November 17
St. Hugh was born at Avalon Castle in Burgundy in the 12th century. St. Hugh's story is one of lasting friendship with nature. St. Hugh loved all the animals in the monastery gardens in Lincoln, there was a wild swan that found a special place in St. High’s heart. The swan followed St. Hugh around and was his constant companion for his time in Lincoln. The swan would eat from his hand and follow him around, but would attack anyone who came near St. Hugh. The Swan of Stow adored him so much that he even guarding St. Hugh while he slept.