Asthma in Cats
If your cat needs to open its mouth to breathe or if its abdomen moves excessively as it breathes (and it is not purring), then it may be...

Bad Breath in Dogs and Cats
Halitosis, also called bad breath, is as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Bad breath is a common presenting pet odor...

Air Travel with Your Pets
Most airlines require pets to be 15 lbs or less to fly in the cabin with their owners (this weight includes both the pet and the...

What First-Time Dog Owners Should Know
Haven't owned a dog before? Here's the basics Learn more: What First-Time Dog Owners Should Know: https://veterinarypartner.vin.com/doc/?...

Snakebite: First Aid
When your pet is "struck" by a snake, it is best to assume it is a poisonous bite. Learn more: Snakebite: First Aid:...

Tapeworms (Dipylidium caninum) in Dogs and Cats
Noticing something like grains of rice that move, something that looks like sesame seeds in your pet's bedding? Where do tapeworms come...

Coccidia Infects Intestines of Cats and Dogs
Coccidia are parasites that commonly infect young animals housed in groups. Coccidia causes a bloody diarrhea that can be severe enough...

Pinworms in Horses
The equine pinworm fortunately does not transmit to other animals or humans. Learn more: Pinworms in Horses: https://veterinarypartner.vi...

Emptying a Dog or Cat's Anal Sacs
Is your pet scooting? Smelling a fishy foul odor? Noticing some licking under the tail? Dogs with impacted anal sacs usually scoot their...

Ringworm in Dogs and Cats
Ringworm is not a worm at all but a fungal infection of the skin. It is contagious to humans, too. This FAQ provides answers. Learn more:...