Home Cooked or Raw Diets for Dogs and Cats Are Not Necessarily Balanced
Neither VeterinaryPartner.com nor its parent, Veterinary Information Network, believes that a home cooked or raw diet is best for pets....
Xylitol ( Artificial Sweetener ) Poisoning in Dogs
Xylitol is potentially lethal to dogs. It doesn't take many sticks of gum to poison a dog, especially a small dog. Symptoms typically...
People Foods to Avoid Feeding Your Pets
While it is okay to share an occasional tidbit with your pet, learn which ones should not be shared at all. Learn more: People Foods to...
Electronic Cigarettes are Toxic to Pets
An e-cig with a full cartridge can contain up to 36 mg of nicotine, which doesn't sound like a lot until you factor in how toxic nicotine...
Cannabis Toxicity in Dogs
The usual pet toxicity case involves a dog that has inadvertently eaten a stash of marijuana. In the dog, clinical signs typically begin...
Chocolate Toxicity Signs in Dogs
What should you watch for and do when your dog has eaten chocolate? Learn more: Chocolate Toxicity Signs in Dogs:...
Chocolate Toxicity in Dogs
Chocolate may be America's favorite flavor. We like chocolate candy, ice cream, chocolate drinks, chocolate cakes, just about anything...
Abscesses from Bite Wounds
At most clinics, a week doesn't go by without seeing a cat or two in this condition. Cats fight, bite, and get infected. What do you need...
Asthma in Cats
If your cat needs to open its mouth to breathe or if its abdomen moves excessively as it breathes (and it is not purring), then it may be...
Bad Breath in Dogs and Cats
Halitosis, also called bad breath, is as an offensive odor emanating from the oral cavity. Bad breath is a common presenting pet odor...